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Dr. Senesi, Andrew 


X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Lab, Argonne, IL, United States.


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Presentation day

wednesday  11:10 AM



 Small-Angle Scattering of Anisotropic Nanoparticles and their Assemblies


The controlled synthesis of nanoparticles with precise size and shape has received much
attention because the ability to tailor particle architecture enables the rational design of their optical, optoelectronic,
and catalytic properties. Numerous polyhedral nanoparticles have been synthesized, however
elastic scattering formulae are available for only a limited number of simple shaped objects, Thus, particle
shape in scattering experiments is often approximated as a sphere, which severely limits their
characterization using Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). These elastic scattering formulae may be
derived for polyhedral particles by taking advantage of Fourier transform and inversion symmetry, and by
breaking a particle into the least congruent set of pieces, or subunits. The effects of anisotropic form factor
scattering are examined. Recent advances in the assembly of these particle building blocks into
superlattices allow for a myriad of crystal symmetries. However, understanding the forces that govern
particle assembly requires knowledge of the crystal (superlattice) symmetry and interaction potential, which
may be inferred from the lattice parameters. This task becomes challenging as these potentials often vary
with the surrounding environment, such as pH, ionic strength, depletent concentration, and particle
concentration. Thus, characterization tools such as SAXS that allow one to examine superlattice assembly
in real sample environments and in real time become increasingly important. We will discuss extensions of
powder diffraction theory to the small angle regime, and compare calculated spectra with a variety of
experimental systems of nanoparticles assembled using either DNA or depletion forces. We further discuss
the possibility of using SAXS for the characterization of exotic superlattice phases, such as the rotator
crystal, which possess long-range positional order but where the particles are able to rotate randomly about
their lattice points.



SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS                                                                                           


A postdoctoral researcher at Argonne National Laboratory with experience investigating nanomaterials, developing technologies for market (three patents), a record of publications and presentations for academics and non-experts, postdoctoral community leadership, technology development, and extensive international experience





Northwestern University                                                                                            Evanston, IL

PhD Chemistry, GPA 3.74/4                                                                                              2006-2012

NSF NSEC Travel Fellowship, ΦΛΥ Honors Society

Kalamazoo College                                                                                                Kalamazoo, MI

BA Chemistry, GPA 3.85/4 (magna cum laude)                                                                     2000 – 2004

F.W. Heyl scholar (full scholarship), NSF REU Fellowship, ΦΒΚ, ΑΛΔ Honors Society,


RESEARCH EXPERIENCE                                                                                                       


Argonne National Lab                                                                                                Argonne, IL

Postdoctoral Researcher                                                                                                          2013-Present

  Advisors: Dr. Randall Winans, Dr. Byeongdu Lee; APS 12-ID-B Beamline

  • Examined the surface-confined growth of anisotropic nanoparticle colloidal crystal superlattices (cubes, rhombic dodecahedra, octahedra, etc.) using depletion assembly techniques; characterized in-situ growth, developed growth models, discovered exotic “rotator crystal” phases; manuscripts in preparation

  • Developed quantitative (absolute intensity) grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering techniques for structural characterization of nanoparticle films with applications in catalysis, energy, and nanoparticle optics; paper submitted to J. Phys. Chem. C

  • Developed theoretical foundations for small angle X-ray scattering characterization of anisotropic nanoparticles and their assemblies; published two papers in J. Appl. Crystallogr.

  • Examined in-situ drying behavior of DNA nanoparticle superlattices; published in Nano Lett.

  • Supported beamline activities with strong team interaction, including maintenance, upgrade, and user setup


Northwestern University                                                                                            Evanston, IL

PhD Research Assistant                                                                                                          2006-2012

  Advisor: Chad A. Mirkin

  • Developed and executed synthetic strategies for the growth of colloidal crystals composed of nanoparticle building blocks using DNA-programmable linkers

  • Explored nucleation, growth, and crystal habit of DNA-nanoparticle superlattices in solution by super saturation (slow cooling); published in Nature

  • Examined the role of DNA design in conjunction with temperature dependent annealing processes for the synthesis of nanoparticle superlattices with up to 30% volume filling fraction for metamaterial applications, published in Adv. Mater.

  • Examined the growth of thin-film DNA-nanoparticle superlattices on surfaces with orientation control and single layer resolution; published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

  • Developed lithographic processes for growing epitaxial growth of nanoparticle superlattices in a site-specific manner; published in Nano Lett.

  • Investigated immobilization chemistries and deposition strategies for biomolecules (DNA, proteins and lipids) with nanometer resolution (10-100 times smaller than conventional technologies), for lab-on-a-chip applications

  • Developed large-scale (cm sized) printing techniques for lipids, proteins and DNA with sub-micron sized features; published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

  • Developed “universal ink” to encapsulate biomolecules and enable direct-write deposition printing of DNA and proteins; published in

  • Explored redox chemistries for the site-specific indirect patterning of DNA and proteins

  • Collaborated extensively with scientific colleagues; worked as team lead on several projects and as a team member on others

  • Co-author of four grants (two funded), managed scientific projects and grant timelines, wrote grant reports

Kalamazoo College                                                                                                Kalamazoo, MI

Research Assistant                                                                                                               2003 - 2004

  • Synthesized copper coordination complexes and characterized products by UV-Vis and X-ray diffraction


University of Utah                                                                                            Salt Lake City, UT

NSF REU Research Assistant                                                                                                        2003

  • Synthesized room temperature magnetic coordination polymers and characterized products by SQUID; published in Inorg. Chim. Acta.


LEADERSHIP AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES                                                                        


Postdoc Society of Argonne                                                                                         2014 - Present                                                                                                                                                    

  • Secretary 2014, chaired communications committee

  • Worked as team member to organize monthly (~ 10/year) events for postdoctoral community, including: career panels, networking events, resume/CV writing, open forum with the Director Littlewood, academic search process, social events

  • Board member and symposium committee 2014, 2015, worked effectively in a team to organize symposium, including company outreach, organizing career panels, inviting speakers, and logistics


Laboratory Instrument Manager                                                                                    2008 - 2012                                                                                                                                                    

  • Oversaw group responsibilities for a 50-70 member lab to ensure smooth operation

  • Responsible for purchasing multiple group instruments, including 1) optical microscope with spectrometer (bright field, dark field), 2) atomic force microscope, 3) e-beam evaporator, 4) NLP tip-based lithography.


Technology Development

  • Innovation Fund Venture Capital Associate, Chicago Innovation Exchange, U. Chicago      Fall 2015

  • Performed due diligence for a deal with AD Up Energy, a startup commercializing anaerobic digestion technologies licensed from Argonne National Lab

  • Commercializing Innovation Course, U. Chicago Booth School of Business                      Fall 2015

  • LabCorp/iCoprs Entrepreneurial Lead, NanoHeatBlock Team, Argonne National Lab     Spring 2015

  • Commercialization short course, Argonne National Lab/Energy Foundry                       Fall 2014


Science and Technology Evaluation

  • Grant Peer Reviewer: Laboratory Directed Research & Design (LDRD), Argonne National Lab; with Chad Mirkin: Petroleum Research Fund

  • Journal Peer Reviewer: ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.; with Chad Mirkin: Nat. Biotechnol., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Appl. Phys. Lett., Appl. Surf. Sci., Chem. Comm., J. Colloid Interface Sci., Langmuir, Nano Res.



TECHNICAL SKILLS                                                                                                                  


Characterization and Imaging

Small angle X-ray scattering, grazing-incidence small angle X-ray scattering, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence/confocal microscopy, X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, electrochemical analysis



Nanoparticle synthesis, particle assembly, surface chemistry, molecular printing/soft lithography, interfacial and colloidal functionalization, DNA synthesis, photolithography, electron beam lithography, electron beam evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, RIE and wet etching



Matlab, Igor Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Word, Excel, Power Point, Keynote


SYNCHROTRON X-RAY USER EXPERIENCE                                                                       

  • Principal Investigator, Argonne Advanced Photon Source, 12-ID-B                           2014 – Present

 “Epitaxial Growth of Nanoparticle Superlattices”, GUP # 38669

  • Principal Investigator, Argonne Advanced Photon Source, 12-ID-B                              2012 – 2014

 “Epitaxial Growth of Nanoparticle Superlattices using DNA Linkers”, GUP # 28208

  • Principal Investigator, Argonne Advanced Photon Source, 12-ID-B                              2010 – 2011

 “Controlling the Interfacial DNA-Directed Crystallization of Nanoparticle Assemblies”, GUP # 20605

  • Northwestern User, Argonne Advanced Photon Source, DND CAT 5-ID                    2008 – 2012


MENTORING AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE                                                                    

Mentor Argonne National Lab Summer Intern                                                                             2014

  • Designed research projects and provided daily guidance for Jenifer Roden and Tanya Klinkhachorn


Mentor Northwestern University                                                                                        2009-2012

  • Mentored two first year graduate students

  • NSF - REU, RET Designed research projects and provided daily guidance for Jenifer Roden, Tanya Klinkhachorn (Chicago Public Schools), and Alejo Lifschitz, who entered graduate school at Northwestern fall 2010


Teaching Assistant, General Chemistry 103, Northwestern University                                   2007-2008

  • Hosted weekly review sessions, co-wrote weekly quizzes and midterm/final exams for 250+ chemistry students, two quarters

  • Managed weekly laboratory sections for general chemistry, two quarters


INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                                                           


Languages: Conversational Chinese, and have maintained some fluency

  • Tel Aviv University, Israel                                                                                                 2010

NSF NSEC International Fellowship, 4 weeks research experience with Prof. Schachar Richter, and co-wrote BSF grant

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany                                                       2009

6 weeks research experience with Prof. Harry Fuchs, and co-wrote NSF/DFG grant

  • Collaborated with researchers from Prof. Hong’s group in South Korea, published in Small, 2010

  • Collaborated with researchers from Prof. Reinhoudt’s group in the Netherlands, published in ACS Nano

  • Lived and worked in Xi’an, China                                                                                2004-2006

  • Taught business English to adults, 12 semester courses, 15 students each

  • Taught English to children, 30 semester courses, 25 students each

  • Studied Chinese (Mandarin)

Study abroad experience (junior year) at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia              2002-2003

​ Literatures

  • Senesi, A. J.; Lee, B., Small-angle scattering of particle assemblies. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2015, 48 (4), 1172-1182.


  •  Senesi, A.; Lee, B., Scattering functions of polyhedra. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2015, 48 (2), 565-577.


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